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  • President - Tonya Devore  ( 

  • Vice President – Lisa Krass (

  • Secretary – Andrea Fetterly (

  • Treasurer – Connie Rheinecker (

  • Fundraising Chair - OPEN

  • Co-Donation Chairs - Elizabeth & Dwight Crawford

  • Social Media/Technology Chair - Cordella Anderson

  • Faculty Representative - Carla Black, ECHS Principal

  • Student Representatives – OPEN


Please email the President or Faculty Representative with all PTSO inquiries. 


PTSO Member Duties


President:  Works with School Leaders and the Parents Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) Board to determine and implement the goals, events, and activities for the school year.  Presides over all meetings of the PTSO. Serves as an ex-officio of all PTSO committees  Exercises general supervision and leadership over the affairs of the Association. Supports the various school functions  Advocates for students, parents, staff, faculty, and administrators with the primary intent to optimize our children’s learning environment.  


Vice-President  Acts as an aide to the President. Performs the duties and exercises the powers of the President in the absence of the President. Assumes the office of President of the PTSO for the next school year 


Secretary  Attends all Parents Teacher Student Organization Officer meetings.  Takes and types the minutes of the meeting and emails the finished minutes to the President for approval. Makes any necessary changes, and then e-mails the minutes to the other Officers. 

Treasurer  Maintains custody of all funds of the PTSO.  Keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures. Disburses funds of the PTO.  Works with the President to create an annual budget for the PTSO. Presents the budget to the PTSO Board for approval  Obtains/monitors monthly income statements and balance sheets.  Works with an accountant to ensure the timely filing of taxes.